Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 4, 2022
Register for individual knowledge sharing sessions or the full day (bring up to 2 people from your business).
Session Schedule:
- LGBTQ + Safe Space Session, 9:15am-10:45am
- Tourism Attraction, 10:45am-12:45pm (including lunch + networking)
- Accessibility, 12:00pm-1:30pm (including lunch + networking)
- Environmentally and Socially Responsible Session, 1:30pm-3:15pm
- All Sessions (full day, including lunch + networking), 9:15am-3:15pm
Monora Park Pavilion, Lower Level Meeting Room
This is a FREE event.
IMPORTANT: There is a limit of 12 people - Save your spot now!
Contact Information
Contact Brenda with any specific questions
More details will be sent to you closer to the day including the Agenda, Presenters and What to Expect during the coaching session!
Send Email

Each session will be led by a presenter, providing you with data on the tourism industry relevant to the category, share tips and suggestions on the unique needs of visitors, and provide information on additional training opportunities and articles for you to take away from the session for your own growth.
REGISTER for as many of our knowledge sharing sessions as you would like and get your business recognized as a LGBTQ+ Safe Space, Tourism Attraction, Accessible business, Environmentally Responsibility or Socially Responsible business on the Dufferin Tourism Trails!
Look forward to a day of learning and networking with other tourism-ready businesses in Dufferin.
IMPORTANT: There is a limit of 12 people - Save your spot now!