Non-Profit & Charities AccessibleEnvironmentally ResponsibleLGBTQ + Safe SpaceSocially Responsible
About Us
Dufferin Community Foundation is the ''forever fund'' for Dufferin County. We invest donor gifts into permanent charitable funds and use the annual income to support local charities every year, forever. Our donors make a meaningful impact in the areas they care most about. For charities, we are a source of secure and sustainable funding.
Our goal is to raise $10 million in our first 10 years (2019-2029), which will allow us to disburse more than $450,000 into the community every year. Please join us in making this happen.
To donate, please visit: https://dufferincommunityfoundation.ca/our-funds/
To create your own named fund, contact Michele Fisher at michele@dufferincommunityfoundation.ca.
To volunteer on our Board of Directors or a Committee, contact Debbi Goss at chair@dufferincommunityfoundation.ca.
For more information, visit https://dufferincommunityfoundation.ca/.
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