Lennox Farm (1988) Ltd.

Lennox Farm (1988) Ltd.

Farm Gate SalesAccessibleEnvironmentally ResponsibleLGBTQ + Safe SpaceLive + Work LocalSocially ResponsibleTourism Attraction

About Us

Welcome to Lennox Farm, a family-owned and operated farm, growing a variety of nutritious and delicious produce in Melancthon, Ontario. For five generations we have provided our community with access to healthy, fresh, local food.

We are passionate about agriculture, education, protecting our land, and reducing our environmental impact. We strive to improve our farming practices each season so we can grow our soil's health and produce healthier food to nurture the community. By ensuring ethical farming practices and employing regenerative agriculture practices, we work tirelessly towards improving the health of our land, our food, and the local community.

Video Media


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